Scientific Innovation & Growth—What Should the EU Do in Its 2024-29 Mandate to Support Research?

Описание к видео Scientific Innovation & Growth—What Should the EU Do in Its 2024-29 Mandate to Support Research?

24 June 2024 - KR21 webinar with key thinkers sharing their perspectives on how the European Union can move up a gear under the next mandate (2024-29). This event marked the launch of the ‘KR21 EU Action Plan: Knowledge for a Stronger Europe‘.

⏱️ 00:00 | Intro
⏱️ 05:58 | Keynote by Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit, Open Science and Research Infrastructures, DG RTD, European Commission
⏱️ 33:44 | Panel 1 / A Better Deal for the Information Economy 2024-2029 – The View from Think Tanks & KR21
⏱️ 01:17:35 | Panel 2 / The Institutional Perspective on How to Better Support the Information and Technology Regulatory Environment to Support Scientific Advancements and Growth
⏱️ 01:53:56 | Wrap-up

A must-watch:
🔹 To understand how laws and technologies regulate access to information and data
🔹 To learn how to optimally support science and research in the post-European election landscape
🔹 To develop ideas for assessing the research-friendliness of domestic frameworks
🔹 To gain insights on balancing information access and reuse in policy discussions

Under the moderation of KR21's Stephen Wyber, these panellists shared their views:
🔸 Panel 1 / A Better Deal for the Information Economy 2024-2029 – The View from Think Tanks & KR21
🎙️ Gerard Oosterwijk (FEPS, Foundation for European Progressive Studies)
🎙️ Maria Alesina (ELF, European Liberal Forum)
🎙️ Ben White (KR21)

🔸 Panel 2 / The Institutional Perspective on How to Better Support the Information and Technology Regulatory Environment to Support Scientific Advancements and Growth
🎙️ Vinciane Gaillard (EUA, European University Association)
🎙️ Lidia Borrell-Damián (Science Europe)
🎙️ Ole Petter Ottersen (The Guild)

🗃️ Don't forget to check out:
KR21 EU Action Plan: Knowledge for a Stronger Europe
KR21's reaction to the Enrico Letta report


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