Josh & Donna | All This Time

Описание к видео Josh & Donna | All This Time


I watched all 7 seasons of The West Wing for the first time this summer and I truly cannot put into words how much I love the show and Josh and Donna's relationship in particular. The West Wing completely redefined my definition of what television can be. These two absolutely killed me for 7 seasons. Josh and Donna have quickly evolved into two of my favorite characters ever. I really hope I did them justice, I am so rusty after not vidding for over a year. I tried to show as many of their little moments as possible, because those are the moments that kept me falling in love with their relationship episode after episode.

I don't think any of my followers watch this show, so if any of you are at all interested in starting it after watching this video, hit me uppp I can talk about it for hours.


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