Kpop girl group bops Top 15

Описание к видео Kpop girl group bops Top 15

Honorable mention ILY:1 LOVE IN BLOOM - mayalyrics just pranked you guys saying that the channel wouldn't go on longer. Haha. Well, enjoy these videos that we have made since and want to just show it to you guys. Well, this is It's All About K-pop's top 15 girl group bops. So yeah

0:00 - Intro
0:10 - Mmook Jji Bba
0:42 - Dunga Dunga
1:15 - Boyfriend
1:47 - I'm so sick
2:23 - DM
2:56 - Obliviate
3:31 - Love U
4:14 - Vivace
4:48 - High Five
5:52 - Catch the stars
6:45 - Let me Out
7:40 - Smiley
8:18 - Moonlight Aria
9:14 - Flower
10:04 - As you wish
10:49 - Outro


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