Muse- Bliss (Cover)

Описание к видео Muse- Bliss (Cover)

Muse - Bliss, cover by Joel Glisson and Katie Thompson
Featuring good ole Waves Element

What better thing to do after a few glasses of wine than set up an arpeggiator on your keytar and put yourself in front of a camera?

Joel Glisson was kind enough to offer his many talents (and torso) recording drums, guitars, and bass on this cover. We are working together on the Mirror of Immortals album, "New Moon," which will be releasing in October. You can hear a single of this project here:
   • Видео  

Believe it or not, some of those keys are live (but heavily quantized). Everything else is a playthrough!

You can support the original here:
Music is property of Muse.


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