The Entire Star Wars Saga but it's just the Memes

Описание к видео The Entire Star Wars Saga but it's just the Memes

The Entire Star Wars Saga but it's just the Memes
I would put in the whole cut of Revenge of the Sith but the video would be too long
I also missed a few but I'll remember next time

Timestamps (the punctuation is awful, I shortened some words, and I left out a bunch to meet the 5K character limit):
0:00 I will make it legal
0:06 The negotiations were short
0:17 A communications disruption
0:21 I will not condone a course of action
0:25 The ability to speak does not make you intelligent
0:36 There's always a bigger fish
0:43 This is my apprentice, Darth Maul
1:02 This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!
1:07 Are you an angel?
1:11 It's a trick. Send no reply
1:14 At last we will have revenge
1:25 It's working!
1:37 A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
1:47 Fear is a path to the Dark Side
1:56 You're under arrest!
2:00 I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!
2:07 Now this is pod racing!
2:11 Darth Maul activates lightsaber
2:15 Always two there are, no more, no less
2:24 There was no danger at all
2:37 I hate it when he does that
2:48 Death sticks
2:59 Jedi business.
3:02 Well whaddya know?
3:07 Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete
3:16 200 000 units are ready
3:29 Thats why I'm here
3:36 Magnificent, aren't they?
3:50 I don't like sand
4:01 I don't think the system works
4:05 Yep. Possibly
4:08 Pack your things, we're leaving
4:13 And not just the men, but the women, and the children too
4:35 What if the Republic was now under the control of a Sith?
4:40 I love democracy. I love the Republic
4:46 Obi-Wan's gonna kill me
4:55 Good job
4:57 She can't do that!
5:01 Brave, but foolish
5:07 Begun, the Clone Wars have
5:16 Sector is clear. Not clear!
5:20 Just like the simulations
5:22 Clone who punched a droid
5:26 Hello there (General Greivous)
5:35 Not to me
5:45 It's treason, then (Pong Krell)
5:50 There is no mercy
5:59 I was hoping for Kenobi Why are you here?
6:16 Oh, this is going to be easy!
6:18 You're gonna get us both killed!
6:21 This is where the fun begins
6:23 The shields are still up
6:27 Did you press the stop button?
6:30 R2, we need to be going up, not down
6:34 I've been looking forward to this
6:36 Good, twice the pride, double the fall
6:44 Kill him
6:54 Do it
7:09 We're smarter than this!
7:13 Ah yes, the negotiator
7:20 Your lightsabers will make a fine additon
7:27 Time to abandon ship
7:33 Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship
7:37 Another happy landing
7:50 Hold on, this whole operation was your idea
8:06 You are on this council
8:31 What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?
8:52 Darth Plageuis the Wise
9:20 The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway
9:29 Ironic
9:32 Is it possible to learn this power?
9:37 You are strong and wise, Anakin
9:50 Goodbye, old friend
9:55 Hello There
10:02 General Kenobi! You are a bold one
10:20 Greivous activates lightsabers
10:26 So uncivilised
10:30 I would certainly like to
10:34 I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith
10:48 If what you've told me is true
10:56 You are under arrest, Chancellor
11:01 The Senate will decide your fate
11:04 I am the Senate!
11:09 It's treason, then
11:17 Power! Unlimited power!
11:35 What have I done?
11:37 Good
11:40 Execute Order 66
11:48 Master Skywalker, there are too many of them
11:59 The attempt on my life
12:07 The Republic will be reorganised
12:16 So this is how liberty dies
12:35 Anakin's the father isn't he?
12:46 You brought him here to kill me!
12:55 You have done that yourself
12:59 You have become the very thing you swore to destroy
13:03 I see through the lies of the Jedi
13:07 Into exile I must go
13:13 I have brought peace to my new Empire
13:26 I will do what I must
13:31 Spinning sabers
13:34 The Jedi are evil
13:42 It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!
13:52 You underestimate my power
14:03 You were the Chosen One!
14:34 Han... Solo
14:50 Really? Man of your talents?
14:54 It's a peaceful life
14:57 We were on the verge of greatness
15:00 Lies! Deception!
15:07 You are being rescued
15:14 Oh it's beautiful
15:17 We stand here amidst my achievement!
15:27 Are we blind?
15:55 These aren't the droids you're looking for
16:03 I felt a great disturbance in the Force
16:21 It's an older code
16:25 Yoda laugh
16:29 I am altering the deal
16:36 There is another
16:41 From a certain point of view
16:49 It's a trap!
16:52 This is the way
16:58 I have spoken
17:15 Look how old you've become
17:21 The garbage will do
17:33 That's not how the Force works
17:40 I know what I have to do
17:58 Traitor!
18:08 Luke throws lightsaber
18:20 Ben Swolo
18:29 Let the past die
18:42 The sacred Jedi texts!
18:48 RAW
18:52 I want every gun we have to fire on that man
19:33 Every word was wrong
19:38 Blow that piece of junk outta the sky!
20:02 What could you give me?
20:12 Somehow, Palpatine returned
20:16 They fly now
20:22 Taking one last look, sir
20:36 Rey Skywalker

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