Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 85

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 85

Oh how I loved Reid giving John Dixon a hard time :D It's a serious battle of wills and egos. Awesome.

The scene with Bob was fantastic. A father grieving and worried and angry in his capacity as a doctor... it's tense and awkward. I don't blame Bob for being angry and questioning Reid. I think most people would but they've always had an odd relationship. There's been a trust there and an underlying unspoken understanding but Bob's never been afraid to question Reid and call him out and vice versa. The level of respect has always been there too and it's hard to see that put into question but also something pretty crucial to Reid's story.

Reid is honest and open. It's nice to see Reid stick by his choices and Bob accept them even through his upset. Bob's nod of understanding is so nice to see.

Oh the relationship between Bob and Chris has never been easy and to see this scene is so unusual. Them opening up to each other. I feel Chris in this scene and can understand his insecurity and his worries about his family. It's such a touching scene and you start understanding Chris a little. He's a teeny bit less than an idiot here. I have to admit I did tear up a bit when I watched that scene.

It seems that Katie cries in every scene she's in recently and it SUCKS. I hate it. She does HAPPY and GIDDY so amazingly and it's such a shame that she's forced to be so sad in some of her final scenes on the show. I miss the OLD Katie who used to have a hundred men after her! ;)

Oh the Kim and Reid scene. It's not a secret that she doesn't like him but this sent fans into outrage. I wasn't so upset with her. She's terrified and taking it out on someone. Reid is VISABLY upset by it and the way Eric plays this scene BROKE MY HEART. When Kim cried, it broke even more. Reid just stands there and doesn't move. He listens. Bob is so kind here, he's so gentle and seeing Reid answer "yes" with emotion. Oh god it's such a special scene but such a sad one too. You can see Reid is so sad for them and so upet by it.

I think it's the ONLY ever time we've ever seen Reid Oliver close to tears... he looks choked and Eric's deliver of the "it's completely unnecessary" is nothing short of perfect. Oh you just want to hug Kim so much.

I remember watching this and literally breaking into HUGE sobs at the LOOK on Reid's face at 13:12 .

The tiny frown of emotion got me. I'd ramble away about Eric's subtle acting but it's unnecessary, I've said it before a hundred times. This scene killed me.

To warm your heart a little bit, Luke Snyder appears! : )
Oh I love Dixon questioning Reid! It's so obvious he would! Awww John you and your silly hair... I kinda love you! You're a feisty old devil! No wondering why Lucinda Walsh loved him!

Luke's cute adoration and trust in Reid's abilities is so touching and only makes you love him a little bit more. He knows Reid ... the good and the bad ... and he has 100 percent faith. Such a sensible guy ;)


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