Mikrotik Script 9: Routing with 2 ISP gateway RouterOS-6

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Overview. Routing is the process of selecting paths across the networks to move packets from one host to another.
What is the purpose of routing?
Routing is the process of path selection in any network. A computer network is made of many machines, called nodes, and paths or links that connect those nodes. Communication between two nodes in an interconnected network can take place through many different paths.
Types of Routing
Static Routing.
Default Routing.
Dynamic Routing.
What is routing in Ethernet?
Ethernet Routing Devices are devices which enable complete connectivity between more then two hosts on an Ethernet network without any host requiring more than a single network interface card (NIC). Each NIC connects directly to the routing device which handles the flow of data on the network
Routing is a basic concept in data communication networks. Routing is an activity that transmits information from a source address to a destination address through an interconnected network. Routing occurs at the network layer, Layer 3, in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
Using more than one internet gateway (ISP) allows us to fail over where one link can be used as the main gateway and the other becomes the backup link. For these needs, the usual configuration is to define a check-gateway and differentiate the distance value for each routing rule.
Next viedo will be failover.
ISP-1 = IP
ISP-2 = IP
Load balance PCC 2 ISP on mikrotik is a technique for distributing traffic load on two or more connection lines in a balanced way, so that traffic can run optimally, maximize throughput, reduce response time and avoid overloading one of the connection lines.
Topic Detail:
1-Load Blancing ECMP 2 Line ISP Failover
2-Load Balancing LB PCC 2 Line ISP Failover
3-Load Balancing LB PCC 3 Line ISP Failover
4-Load Balancing LB PCC 4 Line ISP Failover
5-Load Balancing LB PCC 5 Line ISP Failover
6- LB ECMP 3 Line ISP Failover
7- Ping ICMP To Routing ISP Games
8- Routing FailOver with 2 ISP
There are 3 ISPs, 2 ISPs in LB for browsing purposes and 1 more ISP specifically for game lines, then where do the replay ping (icmp) results actually have to be monitored or displayed real to clients from these 3 ISPs?

Let's just say that currently we have 3 ISPs that separate the path between gaming and browsing, the first 2 ISPs are specifically loaded with load balancing for browsing and the other is specifically for game lines, without special routing, when we or our clients ping from a PC or handphone, the router of course will immediately direct the ping to the main route, in this case the browsing path (main) is selected as distance 1, logically why do we check the main line ping while there are other priorities that prefer ping in this case to monitor the game connection path, Of course I would prefer to divert the ping routing to a game path that deserves to be monitored.
9-Routing FailOver with 3 ISP (gateway)
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