Dead Man's Party 2018 (Gotham Stage) - SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS FRIGHT FEST

Описание к видео Dead Man's Party 2018 (Gotham Stage) - SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS FRIGHT FEST

This dance party had been a Halloween tradition for thousands of years bringing the most morbid and macabre characters together to shun the “normals.” Enjoy its long awaited return after a horrible incident took place a few years back. The Dead Man’s Party returns this year, and there are rumors that the broken-hearted-love struck teen will return to revenge on all the happy party guests that dare to attend the biggest undead musical bash this side of the grave. Jonathan was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Samantha. When he found out she was attending the Dead Man’s Party at a friend’s house, he planned to stop by and win her heart back.

On the night of the big party, Jonathan arrived with a dozen red roses and Samantha’s favorite candy. He saw her standing next to the dance floor with a group of friends. She looked beautiful, with her stunning blood-red dress, dazzling smile, and perfectly styled hair. However, something wasn’t quite right. She was standing there, wrapped in another guy’s arms. Jonathan stood there, flowers and chocolate in hand, shocked and humiliated as he watched his ex-girlfriend giggle with her new date, Mitch. In a sense of fury and rage, Jonathan dropped the roses to the ground and the glass vase shattered in the middle of the dance floor.

All the party guests turned to watch him as he approached Samantha’s new man. His jealousy took over and he dug his fingernails into Mitch’s skin and began to tear the flesh from his body with his ravaged bear hands, leaving him as nothing but a bloody corpse. As for Samantha, Jonathan had a special plan for her. After forcing her to slow dance, Jonathan grabbed a speaker from the DJ booth and began to smash her head in until blood and brains covered the floor. Frightened partygoers tried to escape but found all the exits were bolted shut. Jonathan let out an evil laugh and then proceeded to take his anger out on everyone in the room, skinning some, brutally beating others, piling up lifeless bodies in the corner. The Dead Man’s Party returns this year, and there are rumors that Jonathan will return to get revenge on all of those happy party guests.


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