Timber vs uPVC vs Aluminium

Описание к видео Timber vs uPVC vs Aluminium

UPVC vs Timber Windows: Which is Best?

Windows & Doors
Are timber windows better than uPVC?
Ensuring you’ve selected the best window style to suit your home and its needs is hugely important, though many customers find themselves torn between whether they should choose uPVC or timber windows. Whilst both styles increase the value of properties, there is a clear divide as to which window style is a stronger option. If longevity, security, sustainability and insulation are important factors in your decision making, then a timber window is the best contender.

Unlike uPVC, timber windows last their homeowners anywhere between 60-80 years of service. A 2013 study conducted by Heriot-Watt University determined how timber windows outlast uPVC window styles by a minimum of 30 years – highlighting the efficacy of timber window’s cost efficiency and maintenance. This long-term durability affords homeowners peace of mind that they won’t run into any unexpected repair or replacement costs whilst providing lasting aesthetic and functional assurance.


Timber vs Aluminium – Which material is more sustainable?

Windows & Doors
As we move towards achieving the Future Homes Standard by 2025, many homeowners and developers are wondering what the most sustainable window frame material is. Thermal performance, longevity and recyclability are all factors that need to be considered when answering this question. Thankfully, both timber and aluminium exhibit these properties in abundance. So, how do they compare? And is one material more sustainable than the other?



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