ISE ORIN 2 - Latest 2024 Yoruba Movie Drama Starring Rotimi Salami, Dele Odule, Busayo Alli

Описание к видео ISE ORIN 2 - Latest 2024 Yoruba Movie Drama Starring Rotimi Salami, Dele Odule, Busayo Alli

WATCH THE PART ONE HERE;    • ISE ORIN - Latest 2024 Yoruba Movie D...  

ISE ORIN 2 chronicles the diverse distressing experiences of a young budding musician in the music industry as he tries to navigate the complexities of being in a big industry as a newbie.
Facing lots of challenges, he tries his best to succeed in his chosen trade. Find out more in ISE ORIN 2 showing NOW ON OKIKI PREMIUM TV

Rotimi Salami
Dele Odule
Busayo Alli
Olayinka Salami
Akinyode Abimbola
Adedeji Adedola

Busayo Alli

Temitope Oyefeso Topperz

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