MMF2: Color Replace Test - Exports Comparison

Описание к видео MMF2: Color Replace Test - Exports Comparison

This was just one of the many other reasons I stopped working on Mega Man engines in MMF2. While not one of the major issues, it's still affects the way I design a game using this software.

I'm just comparing the FPS rates of using Color Replace feature of MMF2 games when exporting as an application .EXE, and as a flash .SWF file. There seems to be no significant slowdowns as an application .EXE file.

Unfortunately, using color replace feature in flash slows down the game a bit. I don't know why. I don't know any other alternatives for ppl who play games under flash. :-/

According to Francois of the Clickteam staff, "Replace color in Flash is a slow operation. There is nothing really that can be done, except avoid replace color at every loop."

As for a Mega Man game, replacing a color just once for the weapon probably wouldn't be a big deal. But when you need an effect for something like Mega Man's mega buster charge ability, well it seems like there's going to be a slowdown issue.


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