Breen Family Members Home 43 Garden City Gorey Co. Wexford

Описание к видео Breen Family Members Home 43 Garden City Gorey Co. Wexford

A tribute to my Grandfather and Grandmother and to all my Aunts and Uncles
May they Rest in Peace

This was the house in Gorey that they all grew up in where they worked their lifetime to keep it as a family home.
House no. 43 Garden City Gorey holds so many fantastic childhood memories for us all. Unfortunately in recent years it was taken out of the family name and the house was more or less completely gutted and modernised never, ever to be the same again. However ' Family memories can never be taken away and in this short video we can still hold on to our family members and the house they so much loved and called home.

Songwriter and Friend Brendan Phelan once wrote

"The 6ft x 3 will always get you in the End, the rich man, the poor man, the beggerman and the friend"

Never a truer word was said

John Breen


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