Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz — The Road to Freedom | Australia's Biggest Book Club

Описание к видео Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz — The Road to Freedom | Australia's Biggest Book Club

The Road to Freedom, by Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz, is a major reappraisal of the relationship between capitalism and freedom.

Despite its manifest failures, the narrative of neoliberalism retains its rrgrip on the public mind and the policies of governments all over the world.

By this narrative, less regulation and more ‘animal spirits’ capitalism produces not only greater prosperity, but more freedom for individuals in society—and is therefore morally better.

But whose freedom are we thinking about? What happens when one person’s freedom comes at the expense of another’s? And should the freedoms of corporations be allowed to impinge upon those of individuals in the ways they now do?

In The Road to Freedom, Professor Stiglitz offers a powerful re-evaluation of democracy, economics and what constitutes a good society—and provides a roadmap of how we might achieve it.

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