An Indian Hindu yogi, mystic, according to Sri Ramakrishna (a legendary figure of Bengal) said him "The walking Shiva of Varanasi".
Shivaram alias Trailanga Swami was born on 27 November 1607 in Kumbilapuram at Puspathirega Kumily in the present-day Vijayanagaram district of Andhra Pradesh. Shivaram's parents were Narasimha Rao and Vidyavati Devi, who were devotees of Shiva.From childhood Shivaram was different from other children and used to spend his time praying and meditating. Shivaram had heard from his mother that his great-grandfather had told his mother about his reincarnation before his death, and expressed his desire to continue his Kali Sadhana for the welfare of mankind. Said I will come back again. So his mother considered Shivaram as the reincarnation of his grandfather. And advised him to do Kali Sadhana.Also Shivram's first Mantra Guru was his mother. After receiving the Kali Mantra from his mother, he performed Kali Sadhana in nearby Kali temples and Punyakshetras, but was never away from his mother. After his mother's death in 1669, he preserved her mother's cremation, so he performed more and more intense Kali Sadhana by smearing ashes on her body. In 1679 he met his guru, Bhagirthananda Saraswati, after 20 years of sadhana in a cottage. Bhagirthananda initiated Shivaram into sannyasa vows and named him Swami Ganapati Saraswati in 1685. Ganapati is said to have led a life of severe asceticism, reaching Prayag in 1733, finally settling in Varanasi from 1737.He is blessed with divine powers and performs many miracles. Many people try to prove that he is a fraud but fails. He settles down on the banks of Kashi and keeps enlightening people with his knowledge and wisdom.During his stay in Varanasi, several prominent Bengali saints met him, including Loknath Brahmachari, Benimadhab Brahmachari, Bhagwan Ganguly, Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna, Sadhak Bamakhepa, Swami Vivekananda, Mahendranath Gupta, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Abhedananda, Premananda, Bhaskarananda, Visudhananda, and srimat Vijayakrishna goswami.
Finally, on December 26, 1887, Monday evening, Trailanga Swami attained Mahasamadhi.
💡 (এই ভিডিওতে ব্যবহৃত কিছু ছবি, ভিডিও প্রকৃত ব্যক্তি, ঘটনা, সময় বা স্থানকে উপস্থাপন করে না; দৃশ্যের শূণ্যতা পূরন করতে তা ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।)
💡 (Some of the images/clips used in this video do not represent actual people, events, times or places; they are used to fill in visual gaps.)
💡(इस वीडियो में उपयोग किए गए कुछ चित्र/क्लिप वास्तविक लोगों, घटनाओं, समय या स्थानों का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं करते हैं; उनका उपयोग दृश्य अंतराल को भरने के लिए किया जाता है।)
Voice of Sreerup Chakraborty
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NB: Please note that this video does not advertising or representing any organization. Through this video I am presenting the life of a sage and his beautiful words - Sreerup Chakraborty
Credit Section :
pixabay, google, flicker
Trailanga Swami - Bengali Full Devotional Movie (1960)
Director: Chitrasarathi
Cast : Gurudas Bandopadhyay , Chhabi Biswas , Sunanda Debi , Padma
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