5 Things GIRLS DON'T KNOW About Long Distance Relationships

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Five Things Girls Don’t Know About Long Distance Relationships, from a guy who's had lots of them.
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  / daviddimuzio  
  / daviddimuzio  

1. If you start talking very regularly to a guy online or dating a guy you’ve met online and never actually met in person and he doesn’t make definite plans to come see you within 6 months then you’re wasting your time. That guy either isn’t really that interested in you, has multiple online relationships, or is just using you to fulfill something missing in his life. Guys that like a girl enough figure out a way to see the girl. Plain and simple. Do not believe his excuses about money or time or whatever. If those things are really holding him back and he can’t figure out a way to make them then he’s not a good catch anyway. Feel free to share this video with any of your friends who are in such a relationship. And in the case of my girlfriends who were in those relationships NONE of them worked out and some literally wasted years of their precious time dating a guy they never even met.

2. If you’re not going to see each other for 9 months he IS going to hook up with someone else.

3. Don’t make you both talking something that has to happen everyday. If he’s a good catch then he already has a life and things he’d like to work on. Let him have plenty of time to work on those things so that he can afford to see you in-person. If he talks to you for hours on the phone every single day then you both need more of a life outside of just needing each other.

4. Be a great PARTNER and show him that you would be. The guys I know who are the best catches in terms of being really well rounded and successful people also look for those kinds of girls that will add a partnership aspect to their life. So show him that you know how to cook, or know how to make money, or have skills that will add to you being his partner and he will value you above other girls.

5. If a guy doesn’t make seeing you a priority then some other aspect of his life whether that is career, money, commitment or attitude is not ready for a relationship. So the best thing you can do is not be in a romantic relationship with him at all. Just enjoy living your own life and when he’s ready (if you are as well) then you two will be together.


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