"But God ..." - A Sermon on Ephesians 2:1-10

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Is it possible that the gospel can be summarized in just two words? For Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the answer is an emphatic “yes.” Given the context of Paul’s transition from sin to salvation in Ephesians 2:1-10, great hope shines forth with just two words: “But God.” These two words suggest hope for the sinner and is the only message that holds out hope for the individual and a world that is dead in trespasses and sins. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones contends in this sermon, these two great words tell that salvation is entirely a divine action and in contrast to the sin of humanity. “But God” shows He is unlike men, slow to anger and abounding with grace towards those who deserve wrath. In a world full of anxiety, stress, and difficulty, humanity’s great hope and joy is summarized in this brief statement. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that God has entered into this state of death by offering hope through Christ. The human condition is not hopeless but can be changed through the intervention of a merciful God.


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