My Cinnamon Queen Chickens from Cackle Hatchery

Описание к видео My Cinnamon Queen Chickens from Cackle Hatchery

This is my new flock of Cinnamon Queen Chickens from Cackle Hatchery. They were born on March 22nd, 2015. This video was taken on May 21st, 2015 so they are 2 months old in this video. I have a total of 51 of them. I had a total of 52, but I lost one bird to sickness about 3 weeks ago.

In this video I also show my approximately 1 year old flock of Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens. I show my Barred Plymouth Rock Hen with her 6 new baby chicks that were born on May 12th and 13th. I also show my Barred Plymouth Rock Rooster, Tater Salad sequestered from the rest of the flock in his moveable cage.


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