Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno

Описание к видео Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno

Song Name: Gopinath Mama Nivedana Suno
Official Name: Gopinath (Part one)
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Singer: HG Anata Nitai Prabhu
Music Director: S. D. Sharma
Book Name: Kalyana Kalpataru (Section: Upalabdhi Vijnapti Song 1)
gopīnāth, mama nivedana śuno
viṣayī durjana, sadā kāma-rata,
kichu nāhi mora guṇa
gopīnāth, āmāra bharasā tumi
tomāra caraṇe, loinu śaraṇa,
tomāra kiṅkora āmi
gopīnāth, kemone śodhibe more
nā jāni bhakati, karme jaḍa-mati,
porechi soṁsāra-ghore
gopīnāth, sakali tomāra māyā
nāhi mama bala, jñāna sunirmala,
swādhīna nahe e kāyā
gopīnāth, niyata caraṇe sthāna
māge e pāmara, kāndiyā kāndiyā,
korohe karuṇā dāna
gopīnāth, tumi to' sakali pāro
durjane tārite, tomāra śakati,
ke āche pāpīra āro
gopīnāth, tumi kṛpā-pārābāra
jīvera kāraṇe, āsiyā prapañce,
līlā koile subistāra
gopīnāth, āmi ki doṣe doṣī
asura sakala, pāilo caraṇa,
vinodá thākilo bosi'
1) O Gopinatha, Lord of the gopis, please hear my request. I am a wicked materialist, always addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities
do I possess.
2) O Gopinatha, You are my only hope, and therefore I have taken shelter at Your lotus feet. I am now Your eternal servant.
3) O Gopinatha, how will You purify me? I do not know what devotion is, and my materialistic mind is absorbed in fruitive work. I have fallen into this
dark and perilous worldly existence.
4) O Gopinatha, everything here is Your illusory energy. I have no strength or transcendental knowledge, and this body of mine is not independent and free from the control of material nature.
5) O Gopinatha, this sinner, who is weeping and weeping, begs for an eternal place at Your divine feet. Please give him Your mercy.
6) O Gopinatha, You are able to do anything, and therefore You have the power to deliver all sinners. Who is there that is more of a sinner than myself?
7) O Gopinatha, You are the ocean of mercy. Having come into this phenomenal world, You expand Your divine pastimes for the sake of the fallen souls.
8) O Gopinatha, I am so sinful that although all the demons attained Your lotus feet, Bhaktivinoda has remained in worldly existence.


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