Light Language: Transmute Depression Energy

Описание к видео Light Language: Transmute Depression Energy

Depression is a multi-dimensional and sensitive topic, I know. Many have theories on depression and many factors can contribute to it (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.). I am creating a longer video explaining depression from a metaphysical standpoint, as well as experiences in my own journey riding this depressive energy off and on for years, but this short description will do for now so that all can benefit from the channeling.

This light language recording is intended to transmute the energy of depression and relieve depressive symptoms so that we can move through them ‘easier’ and ‘quicker’ as we work on healing ourselves fully (it will take time, but you are worth it). This energy will assist with the physical contributions of depression by initiating changes in your diet on an outer level and in your hormones on an inner level (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Metaphysical reasons for depression include feelings of hopelessness and feeling anger that you do not feel the right to have.

Instead of thinking depression causes hopelessness, try to imagine it the other way around. In combination with having anger at people, places and things that we have no control over, holding onto ‘hope-less’ ideas and feelings can create that deep-sinking lake of apathy that can feel hard to swim out of that leads to long periods of depression. Anger is a natural human emotion and we can hold onto many kinds of anger, but depression relates to the kind where we feel we ‘can’t’ be angry about (examples: parents, society, laws of nature, etc.). Remind yourself that you can be angry about how the world works, about how life works, and about all of the experiences that brought you to this moment.

While we create our lives, we are indeed bound by ‘rules’ that we may not agree with. Depression is that voice within us that strives for better but is stuck within the bounds of being human. Depression energy comes to remind us of the power we do have in our lives, even if it appears like we can’t make instantaneous, physical changes with that power (yet). Finding your power again is a journey, and one made more difficult if you suffer from continuous depression. The ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ can be described as a long, depressive episode along the Ascension journey as we learn what ‘Power’ means to us, discover what our true power is, and then learn to use it consciously.

Depression is natural and we will better understand it and accept it as a global community in time, but this Loving energy from Source consciousness is meant to assist with this understanding and allowing depression to move through us quickly so that we can live life without all that metaphysical and physical weight. This energy will shake things up, literally, and provide clarity and resources to assist you on your healing journey.

For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit

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