Day 199 - Orcs FW Progress - New 6 Star Champs and Faction Wars Plans

Описание к видео Day 199 - Orcs FW Progress - New 6 Star Champs and Faction Wars Plans

0:00 - Intro + Catching Up Current Mission Progress
3:25 - Latest 6 Star Champs
7:09 - Some Recent Awesome Artifact Finds
12:21 - Orc FW Progressing
24:39 - Wrapping Up

Tentative account rules
-No ancient / void / sacred shard champions used until arbiter is unlocked (Arbiter Completed)
-No time-limited fusion legendaries or epics unless I use an unlock for them. I can use the rares from a fusion though
-All normal fusions (rhazin + rhazin epics, broadmaw, relickeeper, drexthar, yannica) are usable
-All doom tower fragment fusions are usable (Hellmut, Rian, Akoth, Urost, etc.)
-Once I complete stage 14 boss in a faction I am able to unlock and use an epic from that faction (after Arbiter completion)
-Once I complete stage 21 boss in a faction I am able to unlock and use a legendary from that faction (after Arbiter completion)
-There will be a champ unlocked to use in arena once I hit gold 5 (completed - Unlocked Duchess for Arena)
-There will be a champ unlocked to use in arena once I hit silver1,2,3,4 of tag team arena, as well as gold 1,2,3,4 (hahahaha, yeah right !)
-There will be a champion unlocked when I complete doom tower hard of rotation 1,2,3
-Seer is only unlocked once I've completed all dungeons 25 and one rotation of doom tower hard.
She will only be usable in content that was previously completed without her.
(i.e. I must complete all hard doom tower waves without seer first and on subsequent clears I can use her if I choose).

---------------------------------Full List of Unlocks so Far------------------------------------------

Faction 14 Epic Unlocks
Lizardman - Venomage
Dwarves - Geomancer
Sacred Order - Godseeker Aniri
Demonspawn - Duhr The Hungerer
Undead Hordes - Gorgorab
Orcs - Old Hermit Jorrg
Skinwalkers - Hoforees

Faction 21 Legendary Unlocks
Barbarians - Tuhanarak
Sacred Order - Venus + Cupidus
Demonspawn - Helicath

Arena Unlocks
Gold V Arena - Duchess
Silver 1 Tag Team - Magnarr
Silver 2 Tag Team - ???
Silver 3 Tag Team - ???

Hard DT Clear Unlocks
Seer - Can't use in Doomtower yet, but ok for Dungeons and Arena


If I use an unlock on a champion who has a partner (Venus + Cupidus, Skullcrown + Sinesha, Rotos+Siphi, Karato + Yumeko, etc.) it will count as a single unlock for the purposes of enjoyment and having fun if I ever am lucky enough to pull a pair.

The purpose of this account is to have fun, first and foremost, but even if/when I unlock some strong champions, I will still be attempting each area of the game with my built up roster of rares and free champs, because I also want to challenge myself and see what some of those champs are capable of.

F2P Lydia Record

Link to my old F2P account showcase by BGE, for those interested



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