Use Your Serratus to Help Your Hips

Описание к видео Use Your Serratus to Help Your Hips

Sometimes your hips need a bit more support to be able to move how we want them to. Here comes the serratus to the rescue!

Your serratus is a mighty muscle that can help in so many ways! It shares fascial connections with the external obliques, so it can help close your rib cage if you reach as you exhale. You can also use it to facilitate rib cage expansion if you reach as you inhale.

Here, you’ll be using it to support your rib cage and maintain the stack of your rib cage over your pelvis, allowing your glutes to eccentrically lengthen.

Exercise tips:
As you’re pushing through your arms, make sure your chest doesn’t drop. You might need to think of a hook under your collarbone lifting you up, or imagine a long line from the back of your head and neck through your sit bones.
Your pants line and bra line should stay relatively parallel to each other throughout all of the movements.
When squatting, sit down into your hips while letting your knees go forward to lower straight down. Your torso and shin angle should generally match each other. This helps you to eccentrically lengthen through your entire lower body and stay centered in your feet.
For the squat, pulling up on a stable door knob instead of a wall can give you more traction and better engagement to help send your hips down.
If you get stuck, explore pushing your feet and knees out without letting your knees twist out, or you can try pulling your feet and knees in without letting your knees turn in. This can provide more frontal plane support to help the back of your pelvis let go.
Use a mirror, or record yourself. This can help you see where your sticking point is so you can pause and intentionally work though it to get the desired relative motion in your pelvis.

Did you know I teach online:
Online Continuing Education for Fitness and Health Professionals
PCES - Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist



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