Carnelian's mod was made for this - Arknights RS-EX-3 CM 3 Ops LeithanienKnights

Описание к видео Carnelian's mod was made for this - Arknights RS-EX-3 CM 3 Ops LeithanienKnights

I did it. I found a place where you need Carnelian's second mod...

So I'm going to be honest: Carnelian's second mod is not good. Both the base effect and the talent upgrades seem nice on paper, but are kind of pointless in actual practice. The base effect is the better of the two parts, giving her extra damage that scales with the number of enemies in her range. The problem with that is that she's so strong that most enemies do not last long enough in her range to keep that effect going for the skill duration, meaning you lose the bulk of the multiplier once you're left with just the enemies that really need that extra damage. And the fact that her S3 damage ramps up over time means that the extra scaling won't apply to her biggest damage, the place where it would make the biggest difference. And then there's the talent upgrade. An extra 0.4 sp/second sounds nice! And then you realize that in practice it only saves 3.5 seconds to overcharge. That is almost never relevant. If the timing is that tight, you'll probably just be going for her non-overcharged version that's still strong but comes up more quickly. And it's disappointing. She's a really cool character who does have a really strong kit; she just doesn't get enough love and this would have been her chance to really shine, but instead hg played it safe (and boring) and gave her this. In practice, this mod isn't the new standard to equip, but instead one that you use when you can get away with it, when you don't need the extra durability of her first mod, letting you take the marginal benefits of this one. However, "almost never relevant" does not mean "never relevant."

It took some work, but I finally found the perfect spot for this mod. And it's fittingly in the event with which it debuted. The shield bearer captains are tanky to start with, but once they sit out in the cold for a bit, they just don't go down, especially on this CM which massively boosts the cap for that effect. And they're staggered, but not so long as to let you totally reset bursts in between waves. Enter Carnelian mod 2. Finally she has enemies durable enough for her to get the trait change effect for the majority of her S3 duration, AND the boost to her SP is just enough for her to get her S3 overcharged one extra time when I really need it. With Eyja there for support in the two places where Carnelian can't have her skill ready, and Bassline to heal and boost res to help me get away with Carnelian's reduced durability on this mod, you get a nice three op.

Anyway, I've been taking it a bit easier with this event. I went really hard with cc pyrolysis, and IRL has been busy (and then there's Elden Ring and the Euro...), so I've been taking a bit of a break. I still mostly niched the event, but I haven't really been doing the optimization that I do to get something to the point where I'd upload it. But I wanted to find a spot to showcase Carnelian, because even if HG won't give her love, I will.


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