Baby Capybaras Fight to the Death Until Donguri Intervenes 赤ちゃんカピバラは死に戦います。どんぐりが介在

Описание к видео Baby Capybaras Fight to the Death Until Donguri Intervenes 赤ちゃんカピバラは死に戦います。どんぐりが介在

I have just published my book: "My Life with Capybaras. What Capybaras Have Taught Me"
This book will be a joy to everyone who loves capybaras. It is easily the most comprehensive book about capybaras, with lots of photos. And video links.

What I love about this video is the way the capybara elders, Donguri and Yasuha, numbers one and 2 in the Bio Park hierarchy, get involved in breaking up the fight. Capybara behaviour is fascinating, in this case the way Donguri and Yasuha feel responsibility for the well-being of the herd.

A very serious fight breaks out between the two babies Aoba and Cookie. Aoba, although younger, is bigger than Cookie and at one point jumps on top of her and looks as if she would like to kill Cookie. Something in Cookie's squeal alerts Donguri, the leader of the herd, who has been sleeping beside the pond. She instantly jumps up, barks and rushes over to break up the fight. You can see Donguri on the right. Maple, Cookie's mother, also rushes over (on the left) and looks as if she might attack Aoba. Donguri noses her away and diffuses the situation. Maple, on left, Cookie's mother, checks up on Cookie. At 17 seconds Momiji, Aoba's mother arrives and checks up on Cookie. At 26 seconds Yasuha, Donguri's daughter and number 2 in the hierarchy of the Bio Park herd, shakes her head in dismay at this aggressive behaviour between the youngest members of the herd. Aoba, greedy as ever, goes over to her mother Momiji to suckle! At 40 seconds Momiji checks up on little Cookie again. 38 seconds later Yasuha goes over to check on Cookie who is still in shock. You can see the bite wound just in front of Cookie's ear. Butter, Cookie's sister, tries to attack Aoba several times after the fight is over. (On the video I have said it was Cookie, but in fact it was Butter no doubt defending her sister Cookie and upset at the way Aoba attacked her).

After the fight Aoba goes over to Hinase's babies. They turn away as if they were slightly embarrassed by the fight and don't want to get involved. Meanwhile Aoba's mother, Momiji, jumps up onto a bench and sits there aloofly as if she to wants to appear above the fray.

For further information please see my blogs on wordpress:

A pet capybara should I have one?

Capybara facts and information. Everything you wanted to know about capybaras

21 September 2014 015 020 023 031


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