pt.15 Terminology - Rally, Drop, Base | Becoming a Trader

Описание к видео pt.15 Terminology - Rally, Drop, Base | Becoming a Trader

**READ** In this video we go over the three basic formations; Rally, Drop, and Base.

Questions? I may be contacted directly via Telegram at or feel free to leave a comment in any of the videos.

Odds Enhancers Worksheet. Use this document to score your trades.

Online Trading Academy eBook. Follow along in this eBook as you progress through the course.

Trading Plan. Use the Trading Plan slides toward the end of the eBook to customize the Trading Plan to your personal investment objectives.

Engineered Risk Strategy. These are the guidelines you should stick to while trading to manage risk. Sticking to this process will assist you with decision making and eliminating emotions.

Strategy Reference Guide. Visual aide.

Trade Tracker. Tracking your trades helps you hold yourself accountable and pushes you into more of a business mindset.

Trading Journal (a second option, feel free to search for others online)


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