Brazilian Documentary Amazon REDD+ APD - Year 3

Описание к видео Brazilian Documentary Amazon REDD+ APD - Year 3

The Brazilian Amazon Grouped Project is an initiative aimed at forest conservation in surplus Legal Reserve areas of private properties located in the nine states of Brazil's Legal Amazon. This is a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, in the category of avoided planned deforestation (APD), registered on the Verra platform under ID 2551.

Clear and Indisputable
A REDD APD project basically consists of preventing the clearing of areas that are legally authorized for vegetation suppression. The landowners waive the right to use these areas for agriculture or livestock and commit to keeping them conserved for 30 years.

Secure and verifiable basis
Safeguarded from the complexity of the baseline of REDD AUD projects, as well as ongoing methodological changes, the Brazilian Amazon project provides a consistent and robust baseline, with solid and transparent additionality. REDD+ APD projects are able to effectively highlight the real intent of deforestation and provide a secure and verifiable baseline, unaffected by the current REDD+ methodological updates underway at Verra.

Guaranteed results
The Brazilian Amazon project is validated to the Verified Carbon Standard – (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity - CCB (Biodiversity Gold Level) standards, audited annually by an independent Verra-accredited institution.

2021-23: 5+ million tCO2e avoided
2021-23: 30+ thousand ha under conservation

2021-32: 50+ million tCO2e avoided*
2021-32: 157+ thousand ha under conservation*
*Projection based on areas in progress, under development and organic growth.

770+ beneficiary families
High impact: 70+ families
Medium impact: 250+ families*
Low impact: 450+ families*
* Benefits in the same area of influence as the Cauaxi AUD project

794 animal species being monitored
334 endemic species
34 endangered species (CR/EN/VU - IUCN Red List)
In addition to preserving the habitat, surveying and monitoring the fauna and flora in the project areas generates knowledge about the diversity and geographical distribution of species in areas that have never been surveyed before, as well as identifying endemic and endangered species.

Become a partner of the Brazilian Amazon project! With your support, we can generate even more benefits for the climate, for biodiversity and for communities.

+55 (19) 99623-4937
[email protected]

Gabriel Delamuta/brCarbon
San Francisco Filmes/brCarbon picture collection
Enric Contreras/Vertree Partners Limited
Jairo Alves Junior/brCarbon picture collection (photo traps)

Edited by:
Gabriel Delamuta

English version: Márcio Valle

Screenplay and Direction:
Alexsandro Vanin

A brCarbon production


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