ICTs in Education

Описание к видео ICTs in Education

ICTs can solve many challenges associated with poor infrastructure and a lack of good school facilities In remote areas of developing countries. Through the inclusive approach of IICD’s programme in education, we enhance organisational and individual capacities to use ICT tools and skills in an innovative and integrated manner. This involves working with all relevant stakeholders, including teachers, education officers and parents from the start.

IICD’s projects build the capacity of teachers so they can benefit from integrating ICTs in their daily work, both inside and outside the classroom. Thanks to our School Management Information Systems, teachers can prepare, record and store administrative data in a simpler, faster and more accurate way. After having acquired basic digital skills, the teachers’ adoption of digital tools causes a ripple effect that quickly spreads through other areas. Teachers take the lead in exploring the power and potential of integrating ICTs into their method and practice of teaching.


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