Sam Winchester • I'll never be your chosen one

Описание к видео Sam Winchester • I'll never be your chosen one

○ song suggestion by xAUSSENSEiTERFANiNx

Sammy! God, I looove this character! It was such a pleasure to vid him! When I finished the video it was like "oooh...that's it..". But to tell the truth it was a first time for a long time when I was sure in what I'm doing. Usually I have a lot of doubts and not always satisfy with the result, but this time it all came out as it was in my head.

In the beginning I showed how Sam tried to resist his destiny, all this "chosen one" and stuff. Next I tried to show how all the circumstances were pushing him to the wrong path. Of course I couldn't not to add Dean's scenes at all, because I just can't imagine them without each other. I made scene from 4x22 my culmination, because I see it as a peak of all Sam's mistakes. From the season 5 all he tries to do is to be better. So next I showed the opposite - scene of sacrifice in 5x22 and next the cost of his choice, all these horrible things that happened to him, as a price which he had to pay to be who he wanted to be. And in the end I added the scenes with his right deeds to show that no matter what - he fought against destiny. I added the last line of the lyrics, because I think it sums up Sam's story pretty well. Urh, I really hope it's all more clear from the video and not my description.

I know that I could add so much more quotes, but the lyrics is a wondeful story by itself, so I added a few just to show the direction of my thought.

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. if you want know the artist please send me a PM, for god's sake don't write it in the comments, thanks


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