Lebt Friedsam

Описание к видео Lebt Friedsam

I don't know where this was recorded but it was in an audio file that I have had for some time.

This is a parting hymn that was often song for visiting ministers and others.

I created and posted this for some dear friends of mine who are spending the last days with their beloved father who has recently decided to forego further treatment for cancer he has been battling for 10 years. May it bring them comfort during this time of parting.

Lebt Friedsam, sprach Christus der Herr
Zu Seinen Auserkornen,
Geliebte nehmt dies für ein Lehr,
Und wollt Sein Stimm gern hören.
Das ist geseit, zu ein'm Abscheid
Von mir, wollt fest drin stehen.
Ob scheid ich gleich, bleibts Hertz bei euch
Bis wir zur Freud eingehen.

Live peacefully said Christ the lord,
To his chosen ones
Beloved, take this for a teaching
And would gladly hear his voice
This is said at a parting:
Would you firmly stand in me
Though I part, my heart remains with you
Till we enter with joy


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