Subnetting 09 ANDing

Описание к видео Subnetting 09 ANDing

Here are links to the entire series:
1. Counting in binary    • Subnetting 01 Counting in binary; A b...  
2. Understanding binary placeholders    • Subnetting 02 Understanding binary pl...  
3. Converting from binary to decimal    • Subnetting 03 Converting from binary ...  
4. Converting from decimal to binary    • Subnetting 04 Converting from decimal...  
5. IPv4 Infrastructure    • Subnetting 05 IPv4 structure  
6. Subnet mask    • Subnetting 06 Subnet mask  
7. IP Address classes    • Subnetting 07 IP address classes  
8. Default subnet masks    • Subnetting 08 Default subnet masks  
9. ANDing    • Subnetting 09 ANDing  
10. Network and broadcast addresses    • Subnetting 10 Network and broadcast a...  
11. CIDR notation    • Subnetting 11 CIDR notation  
12. Reserved addresses    • Subnetting 12 Reserved addresses  
13. Custom subnet masks    • Subnetting 13 Custom subnet masks  
14. Developing your subnetting chart    • Subnetting 14 Developing your subnett...  
15. Creating your first subnet    • Subnetting 15 Creating your first subnet  
16. Problem in the 4th octet    • Subnetting 16 Problem in the 4th octet  
17. Subnetting by host requirements    • Subnetting 17 Subnetting by host requ...  
18. Third octet chart    • Subnetting 18 Third Octet chart  
19. Problems in the third octet    • Subnetting 19 Problem in the third octet  
20. Chart of the second octet    • Subnetting 20 Chart for the second octet  
21. Problems in the second octet    • Subnetting 21 Problem in the second o...  
22. Tricky problem crossing over octets    • Subnetting 22 Tricky problem crossing...  
23. What does subnetting look like on a network?    • Subnetting 23 What does subnetting lo...  
24. Finding a network from an address    • Subnetting 24 Find a network from an ...  
25. Compare IP addresses    • Subnetting 25 Compare IP addresses  
26. Finding an invalid address    • Subnetting 26 Find the invalid address  
27. Practice Web sites    • Subnetting 27 Practice Web sites  
28. Finding a specific network by number    • Subnetting 28 Finding a specific netw...  
29. Intro to VLSM    • Subnetting 29 Intro to VLSM  
30. VLSM- How to    • Subnetting 30 VLSM - How to  
31. VLSM Practice    • Subnetting 31 VLSM Practice  
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