Secrets of Tally - How do I give Narrations for Each Ledger in Voucher in Tally?

Описание к видео Secrets of Tally - How do I give Narrations for Each Ledger in Voucher in Tally?

In this video you will learn how to give Narrations for Each Ledger in Voucher in Tally?

Go to Accounts Info - Select Voucher Type - Press Alter - Provide narrations for each ledger in voucher - Set it as Yes.

By following above steps you can practically import any number of vouchers in Tally without impacting your other data.

In case, if your data is not imported as expected then please check the error message displayed in the calculator panel or in Tally.IMP file and rectify the same.

If you are unable to resolve the error, you may get in touch with our professional support executives on +91 7710010372 / 73 / 74 or drop an email on [email protected]

Good Luck!

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