Wayne National Forest - Sycamore Trail Head - July 2023

Описание к видео Wayne National Forest - Sycamore Trail Head - July 2023

@BOWGRENNM115 and I went to Wayne National Forest in Ohio for the first time! This footage was in the Athens Area - Monday Creek OHV System - Sycamore Trail Head.

For vacation this year, we decided to go to New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio for ATV riding. To make our vacation a bit easier, we wanted to stay at parks that had the option to camp on site. For Wayne National Forest, we found an ATV friendly campsite that connected to the trails, Begley's Campground. The campground had cabins for rental or electric campsites. Begley's also had real restrooms and pay to use showers and ATV wash station. The campground sold the ATV passes for Wayne National Forest which was super convenient. Just make sure you have your ATV registered with Ohio or the state that you live in.

Overall, it was a really nice ATV park. The trails were very well maintained and not super rutted out. The park did seem a bit more geared towards ATV's or dirt bikes. Some parts were Side by Side friendly, but some of the trails were very narrow. The only downside was that a lot of the trails are not a loop so you have to double back. Honestly, I wish we had more time to enjoy the park since there were a lot of trails we didn't even get to ride on.

We did about 3 hours of riding there and if your in the area I would recommend checking it out!

Park website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/activity/wayn...
Begley's Campground website: http://www.begleyscampground.com/

50 State Challenge:
Illinois = ✅
Indiana = ✅
Iowa = ✅
Kentucky = ✅
Minnesota = ✅
Missouri = ✅
New York = ✅
Ohio = ✅
Pennsylvania = ✅
Tennessee = ✅
Virginia = ✅



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