Pòg Mistletoe/Mistletoe Kiss Cocktail 💋| Nollaig Abigail | BBC ALBA

Описание к видео Pòg Mistletoe/Mistletoe Kiss Cocktail 💋| Nollaig Abigail | BBC ALBA

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Tha Abigail a’ dèanamh Deoch Pòg an Draoidh-lus, an deòch as fheàrr aig àm na Nollaig. 💋🎄

Abigail prepares a Mistletoe Kiss Cocktail, the perfect relaxing drink well suited to the festive season.

#NollaigAbigail #iPlayer #BBCALBA


Pòg Mistletoe/Mistletoe Kiss Cocktail

For the rosemary syrup
½ cup water
½ cup granulated sugar
1 sprig rosemary

For a small batch
180ml vodka
Juice of 2 lemons
60ml rosemary syrup
Sparkling water
Handful of frozen berries
Cranberry juice
2 sprigs of rosemary

To make the rosemary syrup
Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan set over a medium-high heat. Bring to the boil while stirring occasionally to dissolve the water. Allow the mixture to boil for 5 minutes then remove from the heat and drop in a sprig or rosemary. Allow the rosemary to steep for about 15 minutes and then discard the rosemary. Pour the syrup into a glass jar or bottle, cool to room temperature, cover and refrigerate.

To make the cocktail
Pour vodka, lemon juice and syrup into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Cover and shake well to blend. Divide mix between 2 glasses filled with ice, strain the ice from the shaker as you pour. Fill the glasses to ¾ full. Top with sparkling water and add a few frozen berries to garnish . Add a splash of cranberry juice to each glass and garnish with a sprig of rosemary, to use as a stirrer.


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