Airplane Takeoffs & Landings Made Easy - KINGSCHOOLS.COM

Описание к видео Airplane Takeoffs & Landings Made Easy - KINGSCHOOLS.COM

An excerpt from King Schools', "Takeoffs & Landings Made Easy" course. Click here to purchase the course:

Get Airborne -- Ride along with John as he demonstrates a normal takeoff in a Cessna 172.

The complete "Takeoffs and Landings Made Easy" course available from King Schools, contains exciting live-action video putting you in the cockpit, at the controls, giving you the sight picture you need for approaches and flares that will have your wheels softly kissing the ground. You learn how to see at a glance whether you're too high, too low or off to one side - and you'll gain the tools you need to put yourself right back "on the rail'". You'll learn how to recover gracefully from the rare botched flare or touchdown. When you're done, you'll be one of the countess King students who say, "I learned to land by watching your course."

With this course, you'll change takeoffs and landings from a trial to a joy. You'll impress passengers (and yourself) with flawless takeoffs and landings - even in stiff crosswinds.

For the complete King Schools selection, please visit:


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