The Gamification Of Forgiveness (how to depersonalize betrayal and set yourself free)

Описание к видео The Gamification Of Forgiveness (how to depersonalize betrayal and set yourself free)

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Love and Forgiveness is our superpower.
We have the ability to radiate love and forgiveness towards those who would or are betraying us.
And it can be difficult if you take betrayal personally, if you believe that there really are others outside of some reflection of you.
If you land into the realm of egos and law of the jungle, eye for an eye type of thinking, it can be hard to really forgive and radiate love towards one who has rooted against you.
And there are levels to betrayal which can extend into the taking of a life or other forms of violence, both emotional and physical, that make this magic trick of transformation of a situation through forgiveness and love much more difficult to pull off.
However, even in extreme cases, it’s possible, and even in extreme cases (or maybe even especially), it’s necessary.
There is no world where walking around full of resentment makes things better.
And anger and rage towards someone or towards a situation only feel like they are in someway protecting you, when in actual fact, they are the actual damaging agent of whatever form of betrayal you are facing.
Betrayal itself works like a bonding agency. Soul glue, you could call it.
It puts the object of betrayal (or the one who betrayed you) in the front row of your psyche and then demands your obsession, your focus, your potential, your time. It drains you like a nefarious actor that got all your information and has stolen your identity.
Your anger and rage serve nothing but to grant him permission to access your soul over and over again.
Or, if we can look at it like a video game,
Or a game, which is helpful because in a game it's less personal automatically. After all, it’s just a game.
And in the game of betrayal, the prize and the bounty is one's attention.
So far from your anger, rage, and obsession protecting you as a reaction to betrayal, they actually only serve to hand over the keys to your soul to another.
This also serves to make your shift to radiating love and forgiveness not too hyper religious or some kind of angelic pose, but rather pragmatic gameplay.


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