Bladder Cancer Reconstruction Options at Loyola Medicine

Описание к видео Bladder Cancer Reconstruction Options at Loyola Medicine

Loyola Medicine offers bladder cancer patients three reconstruction options following radical cystectomy (bladder removal): an external pouch (illeal conduit), an internal pouch and a neobladder (new bladder made from a piece of intestine).

Vicki Steevensz, a bladder cancer patient at Loyola, chose the illeal conduit reconstruction option. The radical cystectomy and illeal conduit, performed by Loyola urologist Marcus Quek, MD, also provided Ms. Steevensz with relief from a painful bladder condition called interstitial cystitis.

Ms. Steevensz now is cancer free and free of pain. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 888-584-7888.


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