Open Websites In SwiftUI With Link (SwiftUI Link, SwiftUI Safari, Links SwiftUI)

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Open Websites In SwiftUI With Link (SwiftUI Link, SwiftUI Safari, Links SwiftUI)

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SwiftUI Bootcamp (Beginner Level | SwiftUI Tutorial | SwiftUI for iOS developers: A step-by-step guide for beginners)
   • Learn SwiftUI From Scratch In This Fr...  

In this video, we'll discuss SwiftUI Link. This view in SwiftUI allows us to open website in SwiftUI. So you're able to take users to webpages from within your SwiftUI apps. SwiftUI Link is an easy way to open website in SwiftUI. So if you want to learn more about this then check out this SwiftUI Link tutorial in order to learn more about how in SwiftUI link to website.

view which allows us to open up links within our apps in Safari on a users device, we'll also look at how this applies to custom views which can be turned into links too.

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SwiftUI Sessions Playlist:
   • Learn SwiftUI From Scratch In This Fr...  


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