Signavio Demo

Описание к видео Signavio Demo

The Signavio Business Transformation Suite is a powerful, all-in-one platform that helps you quickly realign your organization and bring changes to life at an accelerated rate. It exists to support the core of your business: the processes that you carry out every day.

In this demo I'll play the role of a business user who is working on improving process flows within our organization. We’ll be looking at a Process-to-pay workflow – often abbreviated to P2P, this refers to the business processes that cover activities of requesting (requisitioning), purchasing, receiving, paying for and accounting for goods and services.

We will:

- Work with the Dictionary, the central object management repository

- Use Quickmodel to quickly capture information about planned process cycle

- Use the Graphical Editor to refine a process diagram

- Simulate this new process to understand exactly how it might perform

- Use Process Mining to capture information about an existing Process from an IT systems

- Investigate how that Process is performing and investigate bottlenecks and deviations

- Use a workflow to manage the approval of the model we have designed and the investigations we have created

- Publish this content to a shared Hub for the rest of our organisation to use and comment on



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