Easy DIY Beehive Inner Cover

Описание к видео Easy DIY Beehive Inner Cover

Here is an easy way to build your inner covers for the Langstroth beehive.

Here is the air nailer/stapler I use throughout a majority of my videos

2"X4" boards 3.81cm X 8.89 cm
L=20" 50.8 cm
L=16 1/4" 41.275 cm
Blade up 3/4" 1.905 CM
Inside of fence to outside of blade 1/4" .635 cm
Inside of fence to inside of blade 3/4" 1.905 cm
Blade height just above board
14 5/8" X 18 7/16" 31.15 cm X 46.83 cm
10 Frame Boxes
Thanks That Bee Man at Faith Apiaries for the safety tips the other day.


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