FF7 Remake Chapter 16 Part 3: President Shinra's Plan

Описание к видео FF7 Remake Chapter 16 Part 3: President Shinra's Plan

Cloud's team find Mayor Domino's ally in the employee lounge and earn his trust so they can go further up the tower. Upon reaching the 64th floor Cloud and Tifa are able to listen in on the first shinra board meeting after the fall of the plate. Reeve is aghast at how much the rest of the directors and the president himself seem be fine with not helping sector 7 rebuild. President Shinra reveals his plans for a new city in the Promised Land of the Ancients. Each other director contributes as well and we see more of Hojo's madness on display at his contributions. The characters follow Hojo out of the board room and successfully sneak into his lab. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is property of Square Enix.


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