Beloved by Toni Morrison Summary in Urdu Hindi

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Beloved by Toni Morrison:    • Beloved by Toni Morrison  

#Beloved by Toni Morrison #Summary_novel in Urdu Hindi
#Beloved_by_Toni_Morrison_Summary in Urdu Hindi
Toni Morrison
Paul D Garner
Halle Suggs
Baby Suggs (Jenny Whitlow)
Buglar and Howard
Stamp Paid (Joshua)
Amy Denver
Mr. Garner
Mrs. Lillian Garner
The Thirty-Mile Woman (Patsy)
Paul A Garner
Paul F Garner
Hi Man
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy
Janey Wagon
Lady Jones
Reverend Pike
Edward Bodwin
Miss Bodwin
Nelson Lord
Beloved is not narrated chronologically; it is composed of flashbacks, memories, and nightmares.
1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio
Sethe : Denver : Baby Suggs 1865 dies - Denver urge Sethe to leave 124 BlueStone)
Just before Suggs death Howard (1850) and Buglar(1851) (ran away 1865) Ghost of dead sister (Denver believes) Beloved 1854 Nov - 1855
Paul D : Mr Garner's Sweet Home plantaion in Kentucky 20 years earlier
Sethe's memories of 2 decades (20 years)
From this point on, the story will unfold on two temporal planes.
The present in Cincinnati constitutes one plane, while a series of events that took place around twenty years earlier, mostly in Kentucky, constitutes the other.
This latter plane is accessed and described through the fragmented flashbacks of the major characters.
(1835 Seth born to “Ma'am” :13 sold to the Garners : Sweet Home
Their names are Sixo, Paul D, Paul A, Paul F, and Halle.
Sethe chooses to marry Halle (1849 they marry - 1850 Howard -1851 Buglar)
Baby daughter, Beloved (1854-1855) --- Sethe leaves Sweet Home with 4th child
Mr. Garner dead : Mrs. Garner racist brother in law (school teacher) : His oppressive presence makes life on the plantation even more unbearable than it had been before.
The slaves decide to run.
Paul D and Sixo. Schoolteacher kills Sixo and brings Paul D back to Sweet Home, where Paul D sees Sethe for what he believes will be the last time. (1853-1855)
She is still intent on running, having already sent her children ahead to her mother-in-law Baby Suggs’s house in Cincinnati.
Sethe is exploited by schoolteacher and his newphew : Halle watched
Halle goes mad : Paul D is forced to suffer the indignity of wearing an iron bit in his mouth.
When schoolteacher finds out that Sethe has reported his and his nephews’ misdeeds to Mrs. Garner, he has her whipped severely, despite the fact that she is pregnant
Sethe : Runs away : Forest : Amy Denver nurses her : Baby in Boat
Sethe receives further help from Stamp Paid, who rows her across the Ohio River to Baby Suggs’s house. Baby Suggs cleans Sethe up before allowing her to see her three older children
Sethe spends twenty-eight wonderful days in Cincinnati, where Baby Suggs serves as an unofficial preacher to the black community.
On the last day, however, schoolteacher comes for Sethe to take her and her children back to Sweet Home.
Rather than surrender her children to a life of dehumanizing slavery, she flees with them to the woodshed and tries to kill them.
Only the third child, her older daughter, dies, her throat having been cut with a handsaw by Sethe
Sethe later arranges for the baby’s headstone to be carved with the word “Beloved.”
The sheriff takes Sethe and Denver to jail (1855)
A group of white abolitionists, led by the Bodwins, fights for her release. Sethe returns to the house at 124, where Baby Suggs has sunk into a deep depression.
The community shuns the house, and the family continues to live in isolation.
(1856) Paul D is locked onto a chain for 83 days in a prison camp in Albert, Georgia.
Paul D has endured torturous experiences in a chain gang in Georgia, where he was sent after trying tokill Brandywine, a slave owner to whom he was sold by schoolteacher.
His traumatic experiences have caused him to lock away his memories, emotions, and ability to love in the “tin tobacco box” of his heart.
One day, a frtuitous rainstorm allows Paul D and the other chain gang members to escape.
He travels northward by following the blossoming spring flowers. Years later, he ends up on Sethe’s prch in Cincinnati.
Paul D’s arrival at 124 commences the series of events taking place in the present time frame. (1873:Monday in August)
Thursdy afternoon, late : Beloved appears in the flesh, sitting on a stump outside Sethe's house.
Four weks after Beloved's arrival Beloved asks about Seth's mother and Sethe's “Diamnd Earrigs”
In Winter : Paul D and Beloved ---- Sethe and Paul D
1874 : Stamp Paid : Beloved's murder (Story)
Paul D confronts Sethe about her deed and then leaves 124 Bluestone Rd.
1875: January --- Denver, Beloved, and Sethe play and enjoy each other's company on the frozen creek.


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