BSMS Lecture Series: Unpacking Homelessness and Health

Описание к видео BSMS Lecture Series: Unpacking Homelessness and Health

In December’s monthly lecture, Yumna Barhamji talks about the urgent health challenges faced by Brighton's homeless population in this December’s Monthly Lecture.

Yumna Barhamji is a first year BSMS student and the Year 1 Rep for BSMS GPSoc. BSMS GPSoc is a society aimed at students who are interested in General Practice or want to learn more about what life as a GP entails. We plan to host an array of events such as talks from GPs with special interest, portfolio GPs and interactive sessions including ethical dilemmas. GPSoc aims to continue collaborating with the Royal College of General Practitioners to bring you a vast array of opportunities and to explore the dynamic field of GP.

This video is part of the Monthly Lecture Series at BSMS.


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