Jaitun Chhaya | Season 2 | Episode 5 @ Salua, Kolkata | ADTS

Описание к видео Jaitun Chhaya | Season 2 | Episode 5 @ Salua, Kolkata | ADTS

जैतुन छाँया – सिजन २ शृंखला ५

शान्ति, अभिषेक अनि फलदायकता

[A worship & evangelism focused mini-concert series]

1. Prithvima Pani

2. Bijay Bhana Mandali

3. Saarwavaumik

4. Prasanna

5. [Sermon by Rev. Amit Karthak]]

6. Ramaune Kaaran

7. Khaaldo

8. Maanav

Sabin Thapa Magar [Keys]

Saroj Rasaily [Electric Guitar/Audio Engineer]

Enos Thapa Magar [Drums]

Darshan Tamang [Percussion/Madal]

Basant Sinchury [Bass]

Paul Rai [Flute]

Adrian Dewan [Acoustic Guitar/Vocals]

Parbat Basnet [Supporting Vocals]

Merina Tamang [Supporting Vocals]

Rashmi Sunar [Supporting Vocals]

Sandesh Sharma [Visuals/Projection]

Organised by Christian Reformed Church, Salua

👉🏻Live audio mix and recording by Amon Theeng.
👉🏻Post Production Audio Mix by Nabin Sunar.

Video By:
A Thousand Pictures Production
[Ashesh Dewan, Ujjwal Rai, Sebastian Pema]

Our deepest gratitude to all of our Sponsors:

1. Pastor Prakash Timsina/Win Back The
World In Christ Church, Canada

2. Ps. Arbin Thapa (Brisbane Mahimit Mandali, Australia)

3. Pastor Pushpa Khanal (Heart of Jesus Church, Canada)

4. Pastor Mohammad (Joshua) Amjad (NGC, St.Louis)

5. United Kingdom Nepali Churches

6. Smt. Sara Paudel

7. Smt. Rina Gurung (Sydney)

8. Smt. Mamta Gurung (Sydney)

9. Brother Samuel Chettri, US

This video is for your free streaming. Please do not re-upload this from any other media platforms [Youtube, Spotify, Facebook, Soundcloud].

Copyright © Adrian Dewan and The Sojourners 2024


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