Today’s ASMR is Skin-care video! We actually filmed this on the start of the year but the recording error has left too much of static and background noises so it took abit to upload hehe. I would like to thank Soy unnie who took filmed todays video with me! and I had so much fun filming it We used the massage bed that Soy unnie brought.. but it was kinda good? I might get one my self XD.
Then I hope you guys enjoy today’s video!
I hope you have a good sleep, sweet dream and have a nice day.

Personal Diary
- Last week was one of the most difficult and hardest week for me. As of 9th of May 2022 Monday 4:50pm, my second mini pig Salgu has passed away. Even just the day before was just like any other day it had been but Salgu was gone at a instance. When I got home, Salgu had fallen infront of the bathroom and he was trying his best to get up. I approached to help Salgu but he was very anxious and started to panic as I got closer. I rewatched the pet camera to figure out what had happened and realized that Salgu couldn’t get out of the bathroom for 2 hours as well as he has severely swollen stomach. From there I was able to discover that Pingdwae had actually pulled down the cat food and these two had gone feasting over the cat food. With such heavy and full body, he had gone to the bathroom, couldn’t control his own body, which he fell, and I thought that he had hurt his leg bad, and took him to the car to get to veterinary hospital. However, he was panicking and resisting so I thought it was best to calm him down so left him on the yard for a bit, thinking that it would be bad if others step on the huge mess that was all over the toilet and hallway, I decided to clean up some what before I head off. Meanwhile, I also called the veterinary where they can treat the mini pig and gave explanation on what had happened, and they actually said that it could be Abdominal Distension (extremely bloated stomach) and should be admitted to hospital ASAP. Despite Salgu not calming down, I got him in the car and rushed off to the vet. On the way, I held him with clam music and gentle petting to calm him down and it seemed like to be working until I got a thought up in my head whether he was breathing or sleeping. Just in case, I checked if he was actually breathing but he there was no breathing at all so I tried CPR to no avail.
I have a lot of regrets and I feel so sorry for my Salgu… To be honest, since Pingdwae was born on 2017 and only 5 years old, I never thought I would be anywhere near farewell stage in life and had any other deeper thought about them. But this departure came so fast so quick that.. I feel like its not real or made sense to me.. But I am getting used to it again slowly. I pray that one day Salgu would return to me. I wish I could meet Salgu again when I die later in life. Please wish our Salgu happy and comfortable.
- At first I was really upset, sad, sorry and these new emotions kept spring up but it got better as I got back in to proper life again. Even during my everyday life, thought of Salgu comes to my mind and its usually the hardest when I wake up and goto sleep… I’m trying my best to get used to it and it feels like Salgu was telling me not to get upset and get my stuff together. After 3 days of Salgu’s passing, my house got caught on fire. I finished uploading the last part of the Gul-Bbang episode and headed home after finishing more work just to see a fire in the house. The house was full of smoke, so I rushed to get my kids (pets) outside. Luckily, other than Kammi, everyone else had moved and gathered around the opened window. Pingdwae was sleeping in the living room and didn’t wake up even when I shook him. When he did wake up, he was standing there blankly so I pushed him out from the house. Kammi who usually slept with the Pigs, is even more attached to Pingdwae now that Salgu is gone so they had breathed in considerable amount of smoke as they slept. After I moved Chunja, Rang and Kammi into the car, Seol went outside through the open door and stayed in the yard. Although house got smoky with inside bit burnt and blacked, luckily the fire didn’t spread any further. Kammi wasn’t doing too good, so we took him to 24hour vet to get checked up immediately. The problem was Pingdwae as there aren’t many vets where mini pig can be treated. I asked if she could be treated like large sized dogs, but they said it was not possible. As I hospitalized Kammi, I asked if there is anything I could do, and they said the best I can do is oxygen room or Nebulizer therapy so I rented one always from Seoul and back. The back and forth Travel time got me really worried incase Pingdwae followed Salgu’s foot steps… Fortunately she’s recovered considerably from when I first found her in the house, she didn’t even eat at first but now her appetite seems to be back too.
I’m hoping to see Salgu again in the future. I really hope so.
Salgu Mommy is really sorry, thank you and I love you so much


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