Cross 8 Cob | Survival Endless

Описание к видео Cross 8 Cob | Survival Endless

2 year anniversary of my channel :DDDD

Setup made by ‪@crescebdo‬, this setup was made for script but it can be played manually albeit with a worse solution.

This setup requires kernel + cob + snow pea seed slots which is a recipe for an aids setup.

Solution: ch4, I-PD/Pd | I-Pd/PD ( 18 | 18 )
Sequence explanation:

This setup only has two ice storage spaces which makes this a lot worse to play manually. A method of playing ch4 with two ice spaces is to play 20-21s ice waves but this can't be done manually so instead I started with two accelerated waves instead of one. To play two accelerated waves, you have to cob replace which sucks but there's no way around it.

W9 and w19 are not easy and I couldn't find a good way to play either wave. There are two methods of playing w9/w19-
1. Pre-place the tall-nuts used to stall the diggers and play Nd/PSSN (PSSN/Nd) and then stall both of the rows of diggers.
2. Play Nd/PSSN, use cherry at 4-1 to kill diggers on row 5, stall diggers on row 6. This is played the same in the second half so your cob order will get messed up in the second half.
I chose the first method because it's easier but it's not as rigorous. Tall-nut pressure from dolphins can be an issue because the tall-nut won't reload in time.

Also, pogos are really difficult to deal with. You have to aim on column 8 and the area in which you can kill all of the pogos and hit all of the incoming gigas is really small. Heart 12 cob has this same issue on the bottom half.

W20 was not played good, please skip that part



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