How Cro Magnon Humans Survived an Ice Age Apocalypse

Описание к видео How Cro Magnon Humans Survived an Ice Age Apocalypse

In this video, we delve into the enigmatic world of the Cro Magnon, Ice Age survivors and progenitors of modern Europeans, known for their stunning cave paintings and vanquishing of the Neanderthals during the Ancient Apocalypse of Ice Age Europe.Who were the Cro-Magnons, as they were once known to archaeologists? They were the earliest anatomically modern humans in Europe, to put it simply. Their hunter-gatherer culture, an ancient precursor to the society we live in today, existed for millennia in isolated regions of Ice Age Europe. They hunted animals several times their size and were occasionally hunted by them as they struggled to survive in a world covered in snow and ice. They sketched mammoths, bison, and deer on the cavern walls with flickering firelight, leaving vivid images that still capture our imaginations 35,000 years later.


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