My BIGGEST scape yet! 275L livebearer community (aquascape tutorial)

Описание к видео My BIGGEST scape yet! 275L livebearer community (aquascape tutorial)

Tons happening in this video: I went to my first ever live fish auction, bought loads of rare live-bearers set up quarantine tanks for them, and then aquascaped a 275 litre AquaOak XL Cube aquarium.

Now when you think of Livebearers in a fish tank, you think of Platies, Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails but with this tank we went with something a little different!

I'll keep you updated with how the plants grow in and how many baby fish we end up with (already have over 18 babies since finishing this video!)

Links to the British Livebearer Association:
Website: https://www.britishlivebearerassociat...

Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne nevellii
Cryptocoryne wendtii brown
Microsorum pteropus (Java fern)
Ludwigia sp white
Rotala wallichii
Ludwigia palustris super red
Ludwigia repens
Alternanthera reineckii
Ceratopteris siliquosa (Indian fern)
Limnophila sessiliflora

Perugia's limia (Limia perugiae)
Guenther's Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri-guentheri)
Bristol Guppy (Poecilia sp.)

#aquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #fishtank #aquarist #fish #fishkeeping #aquariumplants #communityfish #communityfishtank #matt_swfishkeeper #fishshopmatt #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #livebearer #guppy #molly #swordtail #platy


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