ONH 101: What Families Need to Know

Описание к видео ONH 101: What Families Need to Know

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia is a complex medical condition that affects not only the visual system, but also components of the central nervous system and endocrine systems.  Consequently, children with ONH often exhibit atypical behaviors and unusual reactions to sensory stimuli.   As parents work to support their children with ONH, they are often overwhelmed by the amount of information involved.  In this webinar, an explanation of ONH is offered that breaks down the visual, medical, and behavior components in a way that will empower parents in terms of daily adaptations as well as lifetime advocacy.

Instructors:   Sara Edwards and Julia Bowman

Instructor’s Title: Sara and Julia are both TVIs and DT/Vision Specialists and Evaluators in the IL Early Intervention Program.

Instructor’s Affiliation: Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI)

Primary Core or ECC Area:  Compensatory

Target Audience: Caregivers and Educators

Pre-requisite knowledge:   None

Lesson Plan Goal:   This webinar offers an explanation of ONH that breaks down the visual, medical, and behavior components in a way that will empower parents and service providers to effectively describe the condition to school teams and advocate for services in terms of daily adaptations as well as lifetime needs.

Learning Objectives:  Participants will be able to:

List 3 medical considerations of ONH

List 3 visual characteristics of ONH

List 3 behavioral considerations of children with ONH

Materials Needed:  None


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