Final Doom: TNT Evilution - Ultra-Violence Speedrun in

Описание к видео Final Doom: TNT Evilution - Ultra-Violence Speedrun in

Runner: Zero-Master
Date: 2019-07-31
Category: UV-Speed
Map: 1-30
Source Port (demo): Crispy Doom v4.3
Source Port (video): prboom-plus-
Time: 37:01

New record Old record
Map.. Time.. 30ev3730
02....00:45 ...-00:03
03....01:13... -00:09
04....00:14... -00:03
05....00:36... -00:05
07....00:57... -00:03
09....02:23... 00:00
10....00:23... -00:06
13....01:08... 00:00
16....01:26... -00:08
19....01:01... -00:03
20....03:13... -00:02
22....00:27... 00:00
23....00:35... -00:04
24....00:21... 00:00
25....00:22... -00:02
26....01:55... -00:13
27....02:05... -00:02
28....01:28... -00:19

29 second improvement. I had to do this again because of the previous demo desyncing in prboom+, it also had to be faster of course. I didn't practice this much since the last one so I made some unecessary mistakes. Even though this was close to 36:XX I don't think I will be doing this again, there are more important wads to run :)

Map 01: Can't be bothered with the blue key grab, sure it's map 01 and it saves time, but I just want to get somewhere.

Map 06: Awful mistake dropping down into the acid, but I had a really good time up until that point.

Map 08: Some crazy damage at the last area, surprised I survived, I had no idea what I was doing at the very end by the arachnotrons.

Map 09: I had no rights to survive that, how I took no damage going for the red key switch can only be considered a miracle.

Map 12: Went the wrong way there for a second.

Map 16: Should have killed the chaingunner as he nearly killed me.

Map 18: Terrible attempt at the rocket jump.

Map 21: I killed the imps this time so none of them get crushed by the stairs and therefore no desync.

Map 25: I was sure I failed the linedef skip, it just didn't feel right.

Map 28: Another idiotic mistake where I fell down.

Map 29: Should have been more careful with the spidermastermind, he did no damage though thankfully.

Map 30: I hate this IoS. I'm convinced I'm firing down the middle, but I'm always a bit too much to the right, so no sub 37 minutes for me.

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