Saqr Port and Free Zone - The Fastest Turnaround For Dry Bulk Vessels

Описание к видео Saqr Port and Free Zone - The Fastest Turnaround For Dry Bulk Vessels

Saqr Port and Free Zone is the largest bulk-handling port in the Middle East Region and is known leader in swift and efficient vessel turnaround operations. The port doubled its cargo movements between 2012 and 2017 with no loss of vessel turnaround efficiency, and in 2018 the addition of 2 new capesize berths, increasing Saqr Port and Free Zone’s capacity by over 30 million tonnes annually, required vessel turnaround efficiency to further improve to cope with the additional cargo being handled by the port. Saqr Port and Free Zone can now load cargo as a rate of 5,300 tonnes per hour and can discharge cargo at 4,400 tonnes per hour. In the last 12 months, approximately 1,700 vessels have been turned around which equates to 9 vessels per day at peak times, making Saqr Port and Free Zone one of the most efficient ports in region, as well as the largest in terms of annual cargo handled.


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