ScotRef: Scotland's Choice of Political Unions

Описание к видео ScotRef: Scotland's Choice of Political Unions

Guy Verhofstadt on Scotland & the EU - Reporting Scotland 28/06/2016

England decided Scotland should be governed by Tories.
Tories decided we should have a choice to leave the EU.
England & Wales decided we should leave the EU.

What does Scotland want!
1 Tory, 1 LibDem, 1 Labour & 56 SNP
Holyrood directly elected:
7 Tory, 4 LibDem, 3 Labour & 59 SNP
Holyrood Regional List:
24 Tory, 1 LibDem, 21 Labour, 6 Greens & 4 SNP
Holyrood pro independence 69 pro UK 60 pro EU?

55% UK & 62% EU
Some of the 55% want to be in a union with the EU more than UK. Some of the 62% want to be in a union with the UK more than EU.

We can NOT be in the UK & the EU so a choice has to be made & there is only one way to be sure of what Scotland wants now & that's another Scottish referendum.

Labour say Labour are unelectable & LibDems are in no shape to step up & take their place. That means Scotland governed by Tories for a VERY long time if we remain in the UK.


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